Sunday, September 30, 2007

Here we are again

So, it's been a year since i moved out of my parents house.
and in the past year so much has changed.
good and bad
and there are a few friends who actually stuck it out with me
through thick and thin
they were always there.
yeah maybe there were times when we didn't see eachother for a few weeks.
month even.
but then when thigs settled down we would get together and it would be as if nothing changed
we were always there for eachother
and this past year i've needed that more than ever before.
i never thought that going through the loss of a best friend ( not death )
would be so emotionally draining.
being that i never saw things going the way they have in the last year
the entire situation was a tough one for me.
there are still people telling me to get over it and move on.
honestly i have gotten so much better than i was in the beginning.
there was a point when i thought i wouldn't ever be happy about anything again
it just all hit me 1000x harder than i expected.
i just wanted to say thank you to the few key people who i consider my family.
you guys know who you are.
if i wanted to hang out till 2 am you were there and more than willing to sit
do nothing but drive around for an hour or two
text message when we should all have been doing something else.
my friends are what keep me going.
and now being a year has passed i KNOW i am a different person
but really, i'm exactly the same.
it sounds weird i know but i can tell i am different.
but i will always be me.
my spirit my attitude my personality. it's all still me.
and now i am looking forward to a new year passing
in a new apartment
new roomate
new friends that i already LOVE to death
old friends i will love forever.
i am finally beginning to be happy with where i am in life.
no i havent started college
no i dont have a new job
yes i'm generally broke from paying my bills.
but i am in a good place.
and i can only go up from here.